When appears the first tooth?
The first milk teeth usually occurs on the 6th to 10th month if large fluctuations are common. Usually the girls appear earlier than boys, and in most cases to delay the dawn of the teeth is relevant family history.
What problems can cause the rise of the teeth and how to deal with?
At the dawn of the teeth of the child may have increased salivation, reddened cheeks and a tendency to put in the mouth and biting his hands and other objects. At this stage it is good to give him special toys are for biting. When buying their parents need to watch the game limits be smooth and not contain harmful dyes and chemicals. Very effective are the games that contain water which is cold when the child is very soothing. Also can be used and various jellies, always following the advice of the dentist.
Other accompanying symptoms of teething are grumbling and anxiety. In rare cases there may be a low grade fever and diarrhea. For the association of high fever in relation to the rise of the tooth is no dispute.
Can a child born with teeth?
The appearance of the mouth (east) of an infant’s first tooth is an important event because among other things show the normal process of development of a child.
People born without teeth and in rare cases can a child be born with teeth or to display them in the first weeks of life. The teeth are usually very mobile and can cause choking by swallowing them, so irritation to the nipple of the mother during breastfeeding and the upper surface of the tongue of the infant. In most cases made their export.
When should be the first visit to the dentist?
It is never too early for the first visit to the dentist as long as the child is the first pull teeth. The modern dentist knowing that the care of the deciduous teeth should begin immediately, will advise and determine a review of the child. So the child becomes familiar with the image of dental surgery and did not link to bad experiences pain and suffering, making the task easier for subsequent visits to the dentist. If the child first visit the clinic with pain or cause pain, it automatically becomes a traumatic experience would later very difficult relationship with the dentist. It is good the first visit to be about the appearance of the first baby tooth. In any case the child should be given at least until the age of three when it will establish a personalized program of oral hygiene.
How many are the first (deciduous) teeth?
The first teeth of a child, which will then change called deciduous. The barrier consists of deciduous teeth 20, 10 in each jaw. Each side of the jaw shows (from front to back) 2 domains (incisors), 1 canine and 2 molars (bankers). The bar filled at the age of 2.5-3 years.
Is it important the first teeth?
The importance of deciduous barrier for the child is so big and permanent for the adult. The idea that the first teeth will change, so do not need to watch is completely wrong. The good condition of the first tooth until the time of fall is naturally important for several reasons. Healthy baby teeth help a child’s development because these are the function of mastication and therefore the intake of nutrients. Participate in articulation of speech and keep the extra space to the right place for the next permanent teeth. Also contributing to the development of jaws and thus the appearance of the face. In case of early loss of a child’s tooth should be special containment area to prevent movement of adjacent teeth, which would lead to major orthodontic problems in the future. The good children’s teeth contributes significantly to the health and permanent teeth since otherwise it would appear the permanent teeth in an environment already polluted and dirty.
When the permanent teeth appear?
The appearance of the first permanent tooth in the mouth (east) is about the age of 6 years (exaritis) when it begins the era of mixed barrier, namely the presence of the barrier deciduous and permanent teeth that lasts until about the 12th time.
The first permanent tooth to appear in the mouth is usually the first molar that rises behind the 2nd deciduous molar and so often goes unnoticed by parents and not cared for properly. Because of its location, its morphology and the longer presence in the mouth is often the first permanent tooth that teridonizetai and unfortunately lost, thus creating a severe disability in the stomatognathic system if not rectified quickly.
When is the change of teeth?
The completion of the permanent barrier is approximately the 11th to 13th year with the appearance of the upper permanent canine. The 28 of the 32 permanent teeth erupt at that time and the 4 third molars (wisdom tooth) could erupt at any time after the age of 17. Often wisdom tooth due to lack of space or other causes trapped some (imiegkleistoi) or total (prisoners). In these cases after clinical and radiological review noting any problems cause (inflammation, caries in adjacent teeth, pain, etc.) may be necessary to export.
What is plaque and the caries?
Since the early of ’60 been scientifically proven that the two main causes loss of teeth, dental caries and periodontal disease (gingivitis-periodontitis) due to plaque, which consists mainly of food debris and bacteria.
Germs are the carbohydrates (eg sugar, starch) and multiplied as a product of their metabolism produce acids. Result of the action of acids on the teeth is dental caries, that is destroyed (rotten) tooth regions. The creation of such damage is irreversible and shall not have the ability to repair itself from damage. The only appropriate treatment to cure the tooth is to remove the damaged section and replace it with a biocompatible material, ie with a seal.
What is gingivitis?
The plaque on the boundaries of the gums and causes a second problem. It creates inflammation in the gums (gingivitis) which if left untreated leads to destruction of underlying periodontal bone (periodontitis).
Which factors caused the rotting of teeth?
To create caries is essential in carbohydrates (especially sweets containing sugar). It is striking that during the Second World War was a great decline in the occurrence of dental caries, because of a lack of sugar.
An important factor to cause tooth decay is the time taken by the sugar. So for example when the cake is eaten immediately after the main course the damage done to the teeth is much smaller than if the same sweet trogotane waking the child from his afternoon sleep. The type of food and time spent in the mouth are two more factors associated with caries. So sticky foods that remain for long in the mouth (loukoumia, candies, chewing gum, etc. glyfitzouria) teridonogones more than others.
Other factors that help or predispose to the appearance of caries is the quality and quantity of saliva, the type and number of microbes that colonize the oral cavity and the shape and position of teeth.
Give us a tip that could protect your teeth?
As mentioned essential factor in creating dental caries is the presence of carbohydrate and especially sugar. Sugar acts locally and certainly not through the blood circulation. So the quantity is less important than making that the frequency of sugary foods. A cookie therefore, a chocolate or a drink which sucked for hours is much worse than eating a large chocolate paste and within minutes, especially after brushing followed. This detail is an important knowledge that can make a huge difference in the oral health of children and any adult.
We can eat sweets without spoiling our teeth?
Whenever bacteria in plaque with a sugar episode apasvestiosis enamel begins. The episode ends when the saliva sugar from the teeth and the properties you have teridonogona inactivate the bacteria. So the sugar in any form should be eaten with or after the main meal because you have excess saliva so the teeth are subject to less time on the effect of microbes. What is customary in our country largely be given to the child sweet after lunch or afternoon sleep in the morning as a snack at school is wrong and do the maximum damage to the teeth. In addition to giving the child sweets often, our drive to easily meet, away from the creative sources of satisfaction and passing the wrong message that when it feels good sweet will make you feel better, which certainly takes a little while the consequences will appear later.
What other foods spoil our teeth?
The sugar is well hidden in many foods of the modern diet as almost all soft drinks, the ketchup, jams, corn flakes, chewing gum with sugar, milk, cocoa etc, and fermentable carbohydrates include most fresh fruits, some tart fruit, milk, honey, raisins, white bread etc. Attention to the products we put our house in order not to have to permanently ban the children what they like and indeed is difficult to resist.
When should you start brushing the teeth?
The cleaning of the teeth from the remains of food must begin with the appearance of the first tooth in the mouth and continued for life. In the beginning the cleaning of the teeth should be done with a clean gauze or sponges special recently released, steeped in boiled (lukewarm) water without using toothpaste. In older children until the age of 3 should brush their teeth at least once in the evening before the child goes to bed. Using toothpaste is not recommended because the child can not spit on. However, children have learned to spit can be used, always with the supervision of parents in children’s toothpaste a small amount (size of lentils). In children after the age of three must use child fluoride toothpaste, always in small quantities. The start brushing from an early age, except for dental care contributes to create a habit for the future of the child in order to drive the child in brushing the teeth without grumbling and complaints. Finally, after age 7, children can use adult toothpaste.
What should I check when buying a toothbrush?
In all cases should be used toothbrushes are good depending on the child’s age and have similar size. The hair brush should be made of synthetic material and the edges of apostrongylefmenes. The toothbrush should be moderate in hardness of the dentist unless otherwise directed. The use of electric toothbrushes from children under the age of 12-14 is not recommended because children often play with them. Instead use by parents in children’s mouths are very effective, provided they know how to use it.
Children should brush their own their teeth?
Brushing children must be made by parents in particular. Allow the child to brush his teeth in the language of the art and the satisfaction of ego. We should never forget the parents that children may not brush especially back teeth, so it should do the same.
Responsible for learning the proper technique of brushing teeth in the child’s parents. This implies that they themselves have learned from the first dentist. It is almost impossible for a man to brush properly without knowing the dentist the way for the effective removal of plaque, which sounds easy but practically difficult.
To teach this course in all our child should follow the golden rule “do as I do” and not “do as I say”.
How often should brush our teeth?
Ideally should brush their teeth after every meal with an average frequency of 3 times a day (breakfast-lunch-dinner). A mistake many make is to brush their teeth before eating their breakfast. This course is meaningless and not conducive to oral hygiene. Because all human eating habits is not the same, brushing should be done and when consumed in between meals sweets.
In each case the most important is brushing the evening, before bedtime and should always be made every day with great rigor.
How much time should be devoted to brushing teeth?
Definitely unnecessary time devoted to no good brushing to prevent tooth decay. Depending on the skill of each individual’s time varies, but it can not be less than 3-5 minutes, measured course to watch and not feel like. It will probably be surprised if we clocked a typical brushing, because in most cases takes less than a minute. But time alone is not enough if you do not brush all surfaces of teeth.
Tell us a bad habit that we have as people and is associated with dental caries.
In our country there is the custom, the visitor brings gifts to children, usually sweets. It is difficult but this habit to change and should be made clear that a book or something of equal monetary value would be useful for our child and more enjoyable for us. Finally, relatives and especially the grandparents as an expression of love for their grandchildren or as a result of deprivation that they themselves had often been offered sweets to children. In this case the parents should be informed that they can express their love by offering the children of non teridonogones foods like nuts, etc.
What precautions can we take to have a healthy smile?
The measures relating to the prevention of dental caries and gingivitis are divided into those that can do one himself and what can be done in the dental office. The first includes limiting consumption of sugary foods, brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste and the use of other oral hygiene aids (mouthwash, Interdental brushes, dental floss, etc.)
The two main prevention measures are in the dental fluorosis and the preventive cover.
What exactly does fluoride to the teeth?
The protective effect of fluoride is known from the early 20th century and since 1945, in an effort to control the spread of decay, research into fluoridation of drinking water in some cities in the U.S., which reduced disease by 50 -60%.
Unfortunately, fluoride present in the modern diet is not enough and so it is essential to daily practice by the use of fluoride toothpaste. The fluoride contained in almost every modern toothpaste and various fluorinated stomatoplymata trade. That’s because it has been shown in specific quantities increases the strength of the tooth enamel to attack by the acids in plaque and thus keep up the appearance of decay, while exercising bacteriostatic and bactericidal action. Children’s toothpastes have about half the amount of fluoride than the others. This is because the risk of ingestion of toothpaste by children. Fluoride, like any medicine, but in small quantities acts beneficial against caries in high concentrations can cause significant problems for permanent teeth or the body.
What is fluorosis?
Necessary complement but very effective measure to protect against caries is the fluorosis. In this work are large amounts of fluoride to teeth and fills in the “store” the tooth. Fluoridation is carried out using various materials, is completely painless and can not work should be repeated at regular intervals. It is only in practice and it is good to start from the age of 3 years. Repeat at regular intervals as the case 2-4 times a year, until adulthood. It also provides a great opportunity to develop trusting dentist and pediatric patients.
What are the preventive cover holes and cracks (Sealants)?
The plaque like sticky foods, collected in grooves that are normally present in the back teeth – molars and premolars – and are difficult to “aftokatharistoun, thus presenting a high degree teridonismou. So the teeth on the one hand because of their anatomy and secondly because of their position and in conjunction with that seen in young age (6 years) make brushing very difficult and is one of the first to spoil. An excellent measure to prevent dental caries in the chewing surfaces of back teeth are the slit-hole covers. Made to all officials and bankers if necessary, and in milk teeth. Process is easy and completely painless. The procedure involves placing a special glue on the ridges above the back teeth. The materials used are special resins and white is not trochismo without anesthesia and a short visit. The life cycle of materials is very high (up to 15 years). Today has shown the usefulness of the coverage of these tracks, scientifically called holes and cracks. Thus, these points of the teeth are unlikely to experience caries in the future pretty sure the cover is not to cut.
Mind if our gums bleed?
Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. In the early stages the gums become red, losing that normal pink color, while in more advanced situations bleed. It is so widespread that perhaps on this be considered as ‘normal’ situation. I wonder if around our nails as Blood ran in every touch would be normal? Yet this “innocent” bleeding that may start in childhood will threaten the entire dentition in the adult when it has progressed to periodontitis. The gingivitis gums to the teeth while the underlying periodontal bone supporting the teeth. So teeth “katagera (caries) can be shaken and eventually” fall “because the periodontal tissues destroyed by the chronic presence of plaque. It should be noted that periodontitis is irreversible damage and therefore early diagnosis and treatment will save the remaining tooth supportive bone.
Finally, the presence of gum disease has been associated with problems in pregnancy, babies and elleipovari by causing heart attacks in adults. It is not so “innocent” then the bleeding of the gums and needs to be addressed and systematically check every 6 months to avoid painful consequences later. Of course, the era of the image is unacceptable at least the image of rotten teeth and inflamed gums that may hinder the development of a child in a successful adult socially and professionally. Let us not forget the end and the effect of smile on our mental state and our relations with others.
Is it often orthodontic problems?
The orthodontic problems related to the abnormal position of teeth in dental barriers, the relationship that are up to the lower teeth and the disharmony which are the upper and lower jaw either between themselves or in relation to the person. Orthodontic treatment aims to improve the aesthetic appearance and function of the mouth and teeth. So many times necessary.
In recent years more and more parents are concerned about the position of the teeth in the mouth of their children. The numbers of scientific studies justify this concern, because one in three children has severe orthodontic problems, such as to require orthodontic treatment. Moreover, two out of three children have some kind of orthodontic problem.
What are the most common orthodontic problems?
The orthodontic problems include a variety of dental and skeletal abnormalities. Among the dental anomalies are due to discern:
The number (fewer or more teeth than normal).
The size (extreme situations with very large or very small teeth).
On the way east (eg incasement absent east, ectopic east, absorbing roots of permanent teeth, etc.) and
In place of teeth in relation to the adjacent teeth (teeth in turn, linguistic or pareiaki / parekleisi lip, or ypekfysi yperekfysi, overcrowding due to lack of space, araiodontia because excess space).
These dental anomalies created by the famous aesthetic problems with the ‘wrong’ teeth and the adverse effects they can have on the child’s psychological state.
Seriously orthodontic problems, but because there are anomalies in the relationship between dental barriers, which often indicates disharmony in the relations of the jaws.
In prosthiopisthio level, therefore, distinguish orthodontic problems because of the great preceded presented by these areas, usually because the dental mandibular block located behind the normal position in relation to the alveolar barrier of the upper jaw. This has the effect of frequent serious injury of anterior teeth, upper jaw, with the consequent loss of all or part of the tooth. The opposite problem, ie the anterior cross-bite is typically created when the dental block the mandible is more forward than its normal position in relation to the alveolar barrier, upper jaw.
In the vertical plane distinguish two major problems, seriously ypersygkleisi and front chasmodontia. Deep ypersygkleisi characterized the relationship of the teeth, areas where the upper cover and conceal the greater part or the whole surface of the lower incisors resulting in the ability to create injury and inflammation of the gums. Instead, front chasmodontia characterized the relationship of the teeth, where the upper and lower incisors can not be contacted when the child closes his mouth, creating a gap between the teeth, from which usually relies on the language.
The horizontal orthodontic problems occur because of disharmony in the range of dental barriers. When the extent of the barrier of the upper jaw is small compared to that of the lower jaw, creating cross-occlusion, ie displacement of mandibular growth and asymmetry of the lower part of the face. The asymmetrical overactivity of the muscles of mastication forced to shift to frequent contraction of the lower jaw to the left or right, often leads to fatigue and muscle pain in the temple and cheek. However, where the width of the bar of the upper jaw is large compared to that of the lower jaw, creating telescopic occlusion with the lower barrier to have more contact with the mucosa of the palate but with the teeth of the upper jaw, so the likelihood of injury and inflammation of the gums.

Supernumerary teeth in the maxilla
Children wearing braces since changed their teeth?
That is another myth that does not apply. There are problems that prevented or treated at an early age as 5 or 6 years old. For example, the conservation of the area because of an early childhood tooth loss or interruption of breastfeeding the finger should be immediately diagnosed.
For this reason it is necessary to monitor the child by a special dentist every six months.

Machine conservation area in the upper jaw due to premature loss of deciduous teeth
How is the correct brushing teeth?
The brush is placed diagonally in relation to the teeth brushed in order to limit the tooth and gum.

We start from the back teeth and gradually move to the back teeth on the other side.

Similarly both brushed off the side (facing the cheek) and the inside (facing the tongue).

In areas behind the upper and lower teeth do not fit because the toothbrush is placed vertically.

Finally, the toothbrush is placed vertically on the chewing surfaces of back teeth.